While that might sound a bit dramatic, it usually gets a smile out of my clients. When we’re out on the trail I stop frequently to give everyone a little breather, snap some pics and to look around at the beauty. Most times when we stop I say “Who wants water?” When I get the blank stare in return, I say “Hydrate or die.”
Most guests are not from altitude. The trails we generally find ourselves on are usually around 7500ft. Aside from altitude, Utah is considered a high desert. We are a very dry and arid climate. This can really take a toll on you if you’re not used to it (and sometimes, even if you are!). Generally speaking if you’re thirsty, you’re already on the verge of being slightly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration are headache, fatigue and dizziness. The Institute for Altitude Medicine (IAM), recommends that you drink 3-4 liters a day when you’re at altitude.
I get some pushback from folks because they’re afraid they’ll have to go to the bathroom. I get that. However, what’s worse? Hugging an aspen tree and squatting down to pee OR having a massive headache and ruining part of your day in our beautiful mountains. You need to hydrate. You can also tell yourself that you are prepping for cocktail hour which there is generally no shortage of when you’re visiting Park City! Your safety is our number one concern. We care about your time here as we want the memories to be happy ones! If your guide suggests taking a sip of water, humor us and please do it! You’ll thank us when you’re sipping the Dead Man’s Boot -one of our FAVORITE cocktails from our friends at High West.